Correction to last Post

Earlier I posted that I got out of my Apple Calls. I paid $5700 for the 3 contracts because the premium was $19. I sold the Calls today for a premium of $26. I received a total of $7800 on that sale for a profit of $2100.

I posted that it was a 21% gain. This was a mistake and I received a message from one of the readers, Tony, that this was a mistake. Tony is correct! The gain was 36.8%. Much higher than I reported.

In that post I said I was driving in the car to Boston and when I was using the calculator on my computer I hit some wrong buttons. The roads are a little rough! lol I divided 1200 by 5700 and not the correct number of 2100. To calculate the Rate of Return you divide the profit by the money invested. $2100 (profit) divided by the $5700 (money invested) is a return of 36.8%.

Tony, thank you for reading and correcting my mistake. And thank you for letting me know I did much better than I thought. lol


The Options Coach

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