A Welcome Message

“Not Preparing to Win is Preparing it Lose”

Welcome to the Educational section of “Main Street beats Wall Street.” There are many awesome sections in this website, but it’s this section where both beginners and experienced option traders will learn the most. I devoted a lot of time to this section and will add more informational pages if I feel it’s necessary to make sure each subject is totally understood. If, after reading about a specific subject, it is still not totally clear and understood, you can contact me and I will send you more material until it is. Some of the pages in this section will also be in “Philosophy, Strategy and Risk” section because not only is that certain  subject very important learning material, but it also might be a favorite strategy of mine. All the material in this Educational section is very important and no one should attempt trading options until it is completely understood.

Every page in this section is extremely important! I would start with the “Strange Lingo of Options.” You must understand and familiarize yourself with all the strange terms, and not get intimidated. Sometimes I think “Wall Street” speaks this language with its own jargon to keep “Main Street” out of their club.  Well, we don’t have to be in their club.  With “Main Street beats Wall Street,” we’ll beat Wall Street!

Welcome! Let’s make a lot of money!