Margin Account

Hi All,

I hope all you Main Street beats Wall Street readers are enjoying my site. I am writing because I just finished a new page. The page is located in the Educational section in the sidebar. The page is called Margin Account. When you open an account to start trading, it’s very to understand what a margin account is, and how they work. I do work on margin, but I do not recommend it for new traders (Grasshoppers). Hopefully after reading my margin account page you will understand how working on margin works. If you decide to work on margin, be very careful! If your stocks you buy on margin do not move in your direction, you can easily lose your entire investment. If I cannot convince you not to start with a margin account, please start with a margin account of 10 or 20% at max. After you read my page, if you have any questions please email me for clarification.

On another note, I would like to hear from all to see how you’re doing. And how you think I’m doing.

Are you reading other material?

Are you trading?

Are you learning from Main Street beats Wall Street?

Do you plan on trading when you get more time?

Do you understand my trades?

etc, etc, etc.


Please let me know if there’s anything In can do with my site to help you understand better. Is there subject matter you want me to cover better? Remember with your feedback I can make a better site. I’m here for you! There’s a lot of money to be made. You just have to be smart and disciplined. Even if you learn at a slow pace now for your later years, it can be a great hobby and make money when you’re not working any more. I love this game! And I love teaching and talking about the subject matter.



The Options Coach

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