50 more MPW

The market is down again today. I’m trying to take advantage of this bad market by stacking up on one of my favorite dividend stocks, Medical Properties Trust (MPW). I just bought another 50 shares with the stock down. I paid $9.90 for these shares and now own 1345 shares at an average price of $11.44.

Buy 50 Shares @ $9.90

We hate when the market goes down but it does give us an opportunity to buy more high dividend stock at a lower price. MPW pays its dividend on 4/13/23. I would not mind if the stock stays low until then so my dividend payment will buy me more shares. But I guess I better watch what I wish for!

Remember, I also own 1000 shares in my margin account. I’m trying to get a Call sold but the stock is too low. However, I will hold these for the dividend. With these shares I own 2345 shares.


Successful trading,


The Options Coach

2 comments on 50 more MPW

    1. Thank you, Clyde! I want more at a lower price but It’s nerve racking watching it go down lol.


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